w&h Jan 31, 2025

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photo, boating beach outing with beach awnings, 5 boats and several adults on the beach.


America's Boating Club® - Marco Island (also known as Marco Island Sail and Power Squadron) is an educational and social organization promoting boating and watercraft skills, safety and fun:

 · Nationally recognized boating courses taught on Marco Island

 · Free vessel safety checks

 · Public service surveys of our waterway navigation aids

 · Group boat trips and raft ups 

 · Monthly dinner meetings with guest speakers and other regular social events

 · Member benefits include numerous discounts and Dan Boater travel insurance

 · Boating area: Gulf of Mexico and coastal waters of Southwest Florida


Picture people in boat

Contact Us for more information, or Join Us 


 Marco Island and surrounding waters

Boating Tip – Safe Summer Boating

Weather in the summer months can be unpredictable and change quickly. Be prepared by:

  • Checking the forecast with your local National Weather Service (NWS) coastal office before you leave your dock
  • Check the latest NWS buoy observations from the National Data Buoy Center
  • Make sure your boat has all essential & required safety equipment including Life Jackets, Fire Extinguishers, Flares, Communication Devices including cell phones, weather radios
  • Apps are available for up to the minute information

In SW Florida, storms tend to form over land in the summer. If you see storms forming, head to a safe place as soon as possible.