Commander (Cdr)

Cdr Nanette Rivera, S


Photo - Nanette Rivera  

Ranking officer of the Squadron responsible to the membership, the District and to the national organization for all aspects of the Squadron’s functions. The Commander presides at all Squadron general membership meetings and Executive Committee meetings.

Executive Officer (XO)

Lt/C Christopher Ricci, P

Photo of Ken Koos  

Responsible for the external functions of the Squadron. In the Commander’s absence, acts as Commander. Committees reporting to the XO are coop charting, safety, legislative, public relations, ways and means, supply officer and vessel safety checks.

Administrative Officer (AO)

Lt/C Christopher Frost, JN


Responsible for all the internal functions of the Squadron, including boating activities, fleet and port captains, meetings and programs, membership and membership involvement and social functions.

Education Officer (SEO)

P/D/C Ted Reiss, SN - CN

239 213-8722

Photo of Edward Reiss  

Manages the Squadron’s Education Department. The SEO is a member of the District Education Department and serves as a liaison for information from District 22 and USPS.


Lt/C Shelly Derrough, AP


Records and keeps minutes of all meetings. Is in charge of keeping the records of the Squadron and its members up-to-date, publishing the Eagle’s Eye newsletter, the calling committee, and advertising.


Lt/C Jerry Cole, S

Photo of Gerald Cole  

In charge of keeping the Squadron’s financial records, receives all monies, pays all bills and coordinates necessary state and federal tax filings.


Advertising Lt Debora Ricci, S
Assistant Education Officer Jeffrey L. Williams, JN
Assistant Secretary P/C Peggy Reiss, JN-IN
Assistant Treasurer 1/Lt Gene Wordehoff, S
Auditing Lt Bill Pomietlasz
Boating Activities Chair Lt/C Christopher Frost, AP
Budget & Finance Chair P/C Tippy Cavanagh, SN
General Safety Chair Lt Geoff Fahringer
Ch/Advanced Grades P/C Carl Thieme, SN 
Ch/Elective Courses P/C Lee Harkness, AP
Ch/Public Boating P/D/C Ted Reiss, SN-CN
Chaplin P/C Andrea Battaglia, SN
Cooperative Charting Chair Lt Cliff Winings, SN (636) 233-3112
Historian Lt/C Shelly Derrough, AP 
Information Technology Lt Cliff Winings, SN 
Investment Committee Chair P/C Carl Thieme, SN
Law Officer Christopher P. Ricci, S
Luncheon/Captains Meetings Lt Terri Olshanski, S
Member Benefits Chair P/C Peggy Reiss, JN-IN
Membership Chair P/C Peggy Reiss, JN-IN
Membership Recruitment / Retention P/C Peggy Reiss, JN-IN 
Membership Involvement Lt Kathy Enstrom
Meeting Coordinator Lt Dorothy Harkness, S
Nominating Committee Chair P/C William J. Hughes, JN
Operations Training P/D/C Ted Reiss, SN-CN
Port Captain, Marco Island P/D/C Ted Reiss, SN-CN
Port Captain, Port of the Isles Lt James O'Connell, P
Port Captain, Everglades City Lt James O'Connell, P
Public Contact P/C Peggy Reiss, JN (239) 213-8686
Public Relations Committee Chair P/C Dave Chaney, (440) 804-6398
Publications, Eagle's Eye Newsletter Lt Jane Orsulak, (571) 294-2587
Roster P/C Peggy Reiss, JN-IN
Rules P/C William J. Hughes, JN
Ship Store Lt Linette Chaney
Sunshine Lt Kathleen Reynolds, AP (239) 394-0459
Telephone Committee Chair Lt Dorothy Harkness, S (239) 235-9336
Vessel Safety Check Chair Lt Jim Addison, P
Ways & Means / W&H Lt Debora Ricci, S
Wine & Hors d'oeuvres Lt/C Chris Ricci, S; Cdr Nanette Rivera, S
Webmaster Lt Cliff Winings, SN (636)-233-3112